Whew, apologies for the unexpected blog hiatus!
The past two weeks have been filled with Cracker Jacks, zoo visits, TV appearances, and hospital stays . A whirlwind pretty much! My mother-in-law and niece stayed with us for a week (see picture above), immediately followed by Justin's hernia surgery (he's doing great!).
As for the TV appearance thing, Justin gave live interviews for both CCTV and BBC World News! Since he's a Korea expert at the Truman National Security Project, a few news sources wanted to speak to him about the aggressive dialogue coming out of North Korea. I'm trying to upload the BBC clip to YouTube, but here is the CCTV interview if you're interested!
On my end of things, I'm juggling two different WIPs—a space western and a high fantasy. Right now, the space western is occupying most of my brain but maybe the high fantasy is plotting a takeover? I don't know! I need a writing clone!
How are you doing? What have you been up to lately? And what have you been reading? I'm working on some beta reading and hoping to tackle GULP next. I love Mary Roach!