A weekend at the beach!

This past weekend, I flew down to Folly Beach, South Carolina to spend a few days with my critique group. So fun! All of us met at an SCBWI retreat back in April and we've made it a goal to get together as a group twice a year. Fortunately, one of our members, Kathleen, was able to score us a beach house (for free!) so we packed our bags and headed down to Folly.

Ta da! The lovely beaches of Folly!

Here we are: Debra, me, Kathleen, and Rebecca

I spent most of my time with my ass in this chair, hammering out my NaNo novel.

And sometimes I'd get out of my chair and take a stroll.

Huzzah! It was really wonderful to re-connect with my critique group and to spend time talking about books, writing, food, our first kisses, and our greatest fears (spiders! clowns! torture!). Since we didn't have wi-fi access, we also had a lot of time to focus on our writing. But, of course, I found other non-internet ways to distract myself... Hmm, maybe I should delete Solitaire and Hearts from my computer! Haha.

All in all, I great weekend. But now, back to work! Must crank out some freelance articles and catch up on my NaNo count. Need...to...finish...this...book! 

So how do you guys distract yourself from writing? Blogs? Writer's forums? Solitaire? Stuffing your face with mint M&Ms, like me?