Dream or Nightmare?

So yesterday afternoon I got a call from an editor at Simon & Schuster who absolutely loved my book.


I could hardly believe it! I was ecstatic. Overwhelmed. Jumping with glee. Crying and sobbing with snot running down my face.

And then I woke up.

Seriously, it was only a dream! (Boo! Hiss!)

Even worse, it was one of those dreams that felt so real that I was super confused when I first woke up. It took me a few seconds before the reality set in. "Oh...I dreamt all of that? My book didn't really sell? Where am I anyway?"

Haha. What can I say? I sleep really really deeply.

Obviously, my brain is going a little crazy since I've been out on sub for over two weeks now. My subconscious is messing with my mind, methinks. I need to find a new hobby or something. Maybe knitting or gardening or crime-fighting through the dangerous streets of Potomac, Maryland.

By the way, sorry about the long delay in posting! I've spent the past week and a half helping my in-laws move from Indianapolis to Seattle. Lots of packing. Lots of boxes. And lots of miles driven across Iowa, South Dakota, and Montana. But we're finally here in Washington! And we're flying back to Maryland tomorrow morning at 6AM! Ahhh!