Today Is the Day!

Holy smokes! THE ONLY THING TO FEAR is now out in the world! Now please excuse me while I breathe into this paper bag and leap off of this cliff. Haha.

If you're interested in reading the book, it's available in both hardcover and e-book on Amazon, BN, and Indiebound. And I'm available for free hugs, amateur manicures, and a good ol' pat on the back. :)

{My postcards that were made by the lovely Jenny Perinovic!}
Anyway. Whoa. I'm excited and nervous, and I still can't quite believe that this is all real! Back in February, right after the baby was born, I remember thinking to myself that September 30 seemed so far away. The baby will almost be eight months old at that point, I thought. At the time, I couldn't quite fathom either possibility—of my newborn not being a newborn anymore or my book being an actual book-shaped thing—but now here we are, the baby is indeed 7.5 months old and my book baby is out too!

I'll say it again: Whoa!

I have a pretty relaxed day planned: going out to lunch with the baby and my mother-in-law, writing (of course! my deadline is closing in!), and stopping by B&N to hopefully find my book out in the wild. Maybe I'll cry a little. Or maybe I'll run around the store yelling, "Look at me! Look at my book! Here, madam, buy my book!" And then you'll read in the newspaper about some deranged author getting arrested and you'll be able to say, "Hey, I sort of know that deranged author!"

All joking aside, I'd be remiss to write this post without paying my proper respects. 'Cause this writing-a-book thing is certainly a group project! To my editor Jody Corbett, thank you for taking my manuscript and for helping me turn it into a book. To my agent Jim McCarthy, thank you for never giving up on me. To my writer friends, thank you for putting up with my weirdness. To my blog readers, thank you for simply stopping by! And to my ever-supportive husband, thank you, thank you for loving me and for being my biggest cheerleader, figurative pom-poms and all.

Well ... whoa. I can't stop saying that! It surprises me how big this day feels—and yet so ordinary too. Just this morning I fed the baby and changed the baby and let out the dog and ate breakfast. All ho-hum, everyday stuff. But my book is out today too! I'm a published author! This crazy dream of mine has come true!

Thank you for sharing this day with me! To celebrate my book's launch, why here's a fun giveaway!