This week we're setting our goals! Here are mine:
1. Complete a first draft of my WIP, a spy thriller set in Occupied France. Think Grave Mercy but set in WWII.
2. Do not crumple in failure at this goal. For serious, Caroline. I am a slow-as-a-sloth drafter but I can do it! I think! Maybe!
3. To accomplish said goal (*whimpers*), strive to write two chapters a week. I can do it! I think! Maybe!
Haha. So basically I have One Big Goal. A really big one because, like I mentioned above, I'm terribly slow and I sort of hate drafting. Now, I love revising! I could do it forever. In fact, if given the chance, I'd probably re-write The Only Thing to Fear all over again—just because I can't seem to stop tinkering with a project if you let me. But my editor has already pried TOTtF from my cold, gnarled fingers so I need to start tinkering with a new project ... but I can't do that until I actually have a draft to work with.
So ... *Grumbles*
There you have it! My goal. Let's see if I can do it! I shall reward myself with mint chocolate ice cream and brownies!