The picture above is one of my favorite photos of the Baby Overlord. *Sniffle* It melts my face to watch her smile whenever she sees Justin, how she'll giggle and talk and grab at his beard. Now, please excuse me for a moment while I turn into a puddle of goo.
Alas, one of these days I'll start using my DSLR again but until that fated day my iPhone will have to do. Speaking of iPhones, I finally upgraded to a 5S! *Pets new phone* *My preciousssss* Funny story: when I brought my old one to the AT&T store, the guy behind the counter balked and actually said, "What kind of phone is that?" Um, an iPhone 4? Haha. I didn't think those were that old ...
Switching gears, who has been watching this season of Game of Thrones? *Raises hand* And who now has a crush on Pedro Pascal AKA Oberyn Martell? *Raises all the hands* I mean, how can you not love him? Look at this picture of him with a baby!
On a completely random note, if you happen to head to your farmer's market this weekend, keep an eye out for gold rush apples! They're not the prettiest of apples but they sure are tasty—sweet with that nice bite of tartness. And deliciously crisp! Justin and I are sort of obsessed with them.
On the writing front, I'm trying really hard to draft my new project, a WWII spy thriller. *Cue whiny voice* But why is rough drafting so hard? Wahhhhh! Call me crazy, but I absolutely love the revision process. At least I have something to work with! A blank page on the other hand? Shudders.
Well, I'm signing off to work on my draft! Shudders again. What are you guys up to this weekend?