The Next Big Thing

A few weeks ago, the very lovely Kelly Gilbert tagged me in The Next Big Thing meme but life got a bit crazy and I haven't gotten around to posting it. But then a few days ago, the very awesome Alexa Barry tagged me again so I figured I needed to get down to business!

As for the meme itself, I'm supposed to answer questions about my work-in-progress but my current WIP is unfortunately a jumbled mess in my head. (My brain is always jumbled!) And so, I thought I'd highlight another manuscript of mine. This is one is a middle grade sci-fi book that is waiting impatiently for me to finish it. One day, little book! One day. Until then...

What’s the working title of your book?
Hmm, I am terrible at titles! Like, horrendously stupendously awful at them. Because of that, I haven't done much title brainstorming on this WIP but I have been calling it Jupiter Rising, which isn't very middle-grade-ish. It sounds more like a thriller, right? 

Where did the idea for the book come from?
From my sci-fi-obsessed brain! Okay, okay, joking aside, I've always been a space nerd. You know, the type of kid who adored Star Trek and gobbled up astronomy lessons. This particular WIP is my attempt to fuse sci-fi with mystery. A Frankenstein book!

What genre does your book fall under?
Middle grade sci-fi. With a mystery too!

What actors would you choose to play characters in your movies rendition?
I'd pick a twelve-year-old Shailene Woodley to play the role of my main character Grace. Ms. Woodley has both the look and the smarts! And just because I love the movie The Descendants so much, I'll choose George Clooney to play Grace's dad, just as he played Shailene's dad in The Descendants. Why not go big, right? I'm aiming for George! 

What is the one sentence synopsis of your book?
Oh gosh! Um. Well. *Fidgets*

When their spaceship crashes onto a Jovian moon, twelve-year-old Grace must find the nearest colony before her brother bleeds out...and before their oxygen tanks hit empty. (I'm not quite sure how to weave in the mystery angle into this sentence. Alas!)

Will you book be self-published or represented by an agency?
If I ever finish this book, fingers crossed that it'll be represented by Agent Jim!

How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?
Uh, we shall see? Haha. Typically, it takes me a few months to crank out a rough draft. I'm slow!

What other book would you compare this story to within your genre?
I'd like to think that would it be capture the adventurous tone of Percy Jackson and the sibling dynamic in Fablehaven.

If you'd like to participate in The Next Big Thing, I tag YOU next!