So here are some side-by-side comparisons of US covers compared with their UK counterparts. I have to admit that I'm sort of partial to the US covers--I am American after all!--but some of the UK ones are looking pretty good as well.
1.) THE HUNGER GAMES (US cover on the left, UK cover on the right)
Oh man, I totally agree with Kaitlin Ward on this one. Eeek! That UK cover is seven shades of awful. I'm totally not a fan of the picture of Katniss or the huge "HG" letters emblazoned in the center. I wasn't too fond of the US cover, but now it's looking quite lovely.

2.) SHIVER (US cover at top, UK cover at bottom)
Here's another "Eek!" moment for me. (Thanks to Nomes for the tip!) Huh, that UK cover kind of freaks me out. It reminds me of scary stuff like demons and vampires--which would be fine if the book was a horror novel...but it's not. Sure, SHIVER is a tale about werewolves, but the heart of the novel lies in the romance between Sam and Grace. Thus, I don't think the UK cover really captures what the book is about.

3.) THE FOREST OF HANDS AND TEETH (US cover at top, UK cover at bottom)
So what do you guys think about these covers? For me, I find the US cover more eye-catching since I distinctly remember seeing it at the bookstore. This cover drew me in enough to check out the jacket flap and then to read the book. I do like the UK cover as well, even if it's a bit understated.
4.) CHAINS (US cover at top, UK at bottom)
Admittedly, the US cover of CHAINS is one of my absolute favorites in the MG genre. When I first saw it at the bookstore, I simply had to pick it up and take a closer look. It truly is cover art, rather than a mere cover.
Hmm, I'm kind of torn about the UK one. On one hand, I love the strength that this picture conveys, but on the other hand it seems a bit unfinished to me.

5.) NUMBERS (US cover at top, UK at bottom)
Okay, here's an example where I prefer the UK cover over the US one. There's nothing wrong with the US cover, but I simply love the creativity behind the UK cover art, especially the unique play on numbers and letters.

I thought I'd throw in a classic just for kicks... 

What do y'all think? Which covers do you like or dislike? Do you find yourself preferring the US covers over the UK ones? Or vice versa?
I think it's really fascinating to compare the differences between these covers. The US version is actually a reissue of the first edition cover art, and I'm sort of in love with it--from the vintage lettering to the lovely tree. Just beautiful.
I do like the simplicity of the UK cover too. I mean, a book like TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD doesn't need a fancy schmancy cover to attract new readers. It's one of those iconic books that will get read generation upon generation simply because it's a classic.

What do y'all think? Which covers do you like or dislike? Do you find yourself preferring the US covers over the UK ones? Or vice versa?