Okay, class! Settle down, settle down.
Today's lesson concerns a common spelling error I've noticed on various blogs and websites. As your resident Spelling Nazi, I must attempt to correct this little mistake.
Shall we begin then?
Lose vs. Loose.
This is our lesson for today. Here are a couple of examples---try to guess which ones are used correctly and which ones are not.
1. "This is not good---I'm going to lose this checkers game!"
2. "I can't wait to loose another twenty pounds so I can squeeze into my spandex tuxedo again."
3. "Goodness me, that prostitute over there is quite a loose woman!"
Any volunteers?
All right then. Number 1 and 3 are used correctly. Number 2, unfortunately, is not.
Lose. A verb. Meaning "to come to be without."
Example: "If I lose any more money gambling, then I'm going to have to auction off my mini horse!"
Loose. An adjective. Meaning "free from restraint" or "relaxed in nature" or "sexually promiscuous" (Naughty!)
Example: "Why are my pants so loose? Ah, it's because I've accidentally put on my grandmother's trousers."
Remember that?
Okay, here's one last reminder.
Lose rhymes with news and moos and twos.
Loose rhymes with noose and moose and goose.
Can you loose a moose with a noose wrapped around it's neck? No! But can you lose it? Yes!
Thank you, class. You are dismissed.