Thus far, I have only cried once! And that was on the day when Justin first left and I barely got any sleep and I had to clean our apartment for over five hours to get it ready for check-out and I couldn't stop thinking of all of the memories we'd shared in our first home. I was pretty frazzled.
Yet life has been pretty low-key here in Maryland. After I get up every morning, I write a couple articles for eHow and for my column on and then I work on my book. In between, I read my favorite Mormon blogs (what would I ever do without Feminist Mormon Housewives?!), pick up my sister from school, write numerous emails to Justin, and scrounge around for food. Oh, and I check on the status on the onion I planted a couples days ago. (More on that later...)
It's been nice moving home, especially since it keeps my mind off of Justin's deployment. Spending time with my family (especially my sister) is really great and it's SO nice to be back in DC. The restaurants. The cherry blossoms. The shopping. (Anthropologie!) The museums. I even attended an exhibition opening at the National Air and Space Museum on Tuesday as a member of the press. Pretty fun, eh?

But every now and then, I can't help but stare at my calendar and count down the days when Justin will come back. I miss him.
I'm such a sap, aren't I?