I totally left DC when things were getting really interesting. For instance, Stephen Colbert came to my museum a few weeks after I left. Even worse, my boss has the most kick-ass view of the U.S. Capitol from his office, complete with a roomy balcony too. It would have been the perfect place to watch the Inauguration. ARGH again!
Anyway, here are a few of my thoughts as I watched Obama's swearing-in:
Back to Texas with you! (On second thought, Laura can stay. I like librarians.)

How cute are the Obama girls? I adore Malia's grape-colored coat. Do they make that in a grown-up size?
Ahhhhh! Shield your eyes, Sasha! Aretha Franklin has sprouted a bow-shaped tumor right on her head!

Pure awesomeness. Now get to work! I want a resolution to the War in Iraq War, more troops and aid in Afghanistan, a sweeping change in American healthcare, a boost in public education, a golden throne encrusted with diamonds, a new house, and my book published by a well-established publishing house.
Got all that?