I have two recurring dreams. One I've had since childhood. The other I've had since college. I just had the latter dream last night and when I woke up this morning it puzzled me to no end why I keep dreaming about these two things.
The first recurring dream is about a house. It is an enormous house with secret passageways and secret rooms. The people in my dream always change from dream to dream but the house remains the same---mysterious and elusive.
The second recurring dream has to do with high school. In my dream, I never had enough credits to graduate from high school but for some reason I was able to attend college and finish with a degree. But after college I decide I must go back to high school to get my diploma---and so my dream always revolves around me enrolling at my old high school and attending classes with students 10 years my junior. To make myself feel better, I go around telling everyone how I have already finished college but I still need to complete my senior year of high school.