1.) Glee. OMG! Totally, totally loved this week's episode. Artie's mall dance! The duet between Rachel and Ms. Corcoran! *Swoon* I love me some of that Idina Menzel--that voice, that voice! Wouldn't it be awesome if her super-hot husband Taye Diggs made a guest appearance on Glee as well?
I really think Glee is getting back on track. After the show came back on air this spring, I kind of felt like it was grasping for plot lines. (Note to Glee's writers: this is what happens when you tie up everything so nicely right before the winter hiatus!) But now, I'm really excited to see what happens next.
2.) Lost. Oh, beloved Lost! I have watched you since you first premiered and I'm really bummed that you're about to end. This week's episode was rather intriguing. Jack as the future Jacob? Ben turns evil yet again? What's going on with Desmond, huh?
But I still have not forgiven you, Lost, for killing off Jin and Sun! That made me so mad. SO MAD! You better show them living happily ever after in the parallel universe...or else!
3.) CSI. I think Laurence Fishburne has been doing a fabulous job since William Petersen (AKA Gil Grissom) exited the show. Granted, I don't watch CSI every week but I made sure to watch the season finale since it promised to resolve the intriguing "Dr. Jekyll" plotline.
Holy cow! Did you guys catch the end of the episode? DID NOT see that one happening. Oh, man...
Anyway, did you any of you guys catch these shows? What did you think about Artie's mall dance? What do you think will happen on Lost's last act? And what do you think will happen to poor Laurence Fishburne who was stabbed repeatedly in CSI's last few seconds?