Yeah, I'm kind of obsessed it. I mean, what's not to like? Singing, dancing, catchy tunes, and the cutest music teacher ever---Mr. Shuster.
But there's another reason I love this show....
You see, I was kind of in the glee club when I was back in high school. Well, not a glee club per se, since we didn't call it that. But, yes, I was in the show choir and I was also in my school's annual rock 'n roll revival show, called "Blast From the Past." (Affectionately called "Blast" by all of its participants. Yep, we were uber nerds.)
From 1997 to 2000, Blast was basically my life. I loved it. No, that's not quite right. I loooooved it. I obsessed over my audition songs and my backup parts and my costumes for each number. What can I say? I was a "gleek" before the term even existed.
Anyway, I was doing some random YouTube searches when I came across this little gem. It's a video of the opening song of Blast during my junior year. If you watch closely, you'll catch me---and all of my awkward glory---in 0:59 and 2:47 of the clip. (Be forewarned: you will absolutely SNORT at my performance. Honestly, I can't stop laughing at my 16-year-old self. AWKWARD!)
Um yeah, maybe I shouldn't have posted this video for all my friends to see...