For the past year, Justin and I have been glued to Meet the Press, Face the Nation, The Washington Post, The New York Times, and basically anything else politically oriented. Frankly, we can't wait until ol' Dubya vacates the White House and we've been so excited about the Democratic primaries.
Yet to be even more frank, I'm getting sick of it all. At first I was happy that the Democratic Party had such a diverse list of candidates. An African-American! A Latino! A woman! And a populist! (I still love John Edwards.) All seemed bright in the land of the donkey and I was sure that the Democrats would sweep the elections come November. But now I'm not so sure.
I'm really tired of all the badgering between Obama and Clinton. I'm tired of the negativity. Tired of word "superdelegate." And tired of realizing that we're practically giving away the presidency to John McCain. The longer this Democratic primary is prolonged, the more divided this party becomes. Hatred is brewing between the two candidate's supporters--and I admit it. I'm beginning to hate Hillary Clinton.
I'm beginning to hate Hillary! Me! A feminist! I have defended her in the past against people who dislike her for seemingly no reason, but I'm getting to the point where if she wins the nomination over Obama I don't know if I could vote for her. (Which leaves me with only two options: don't vote or go Nader. I refuse to support McCain on the issue of Iraq.)
And this is ludicrous! This is so incredibly stupid. As a staunch Democrat, I should be happy if either Obama or Clinton clinches the nomination. I should be happy to vote for either of them. I should...I should...but I don't know if I can anymore.
Please, Nancy Pelosi. Please, Howard Dean. If you can do anything, please do something. This drawn-out race is killing us. If we end up with a brokered convention in August then we can kiss the White House goodbye. And is this something the Democrats want?
I don't think so.