Today I was flipping through the channels when I stopped upon a documentary about "The Secrets Behind the Da Vinci Code." The first portion of the show discussed the role of Mary Magdalene (was she a prostitute or Jesus' wife?). In between clips of distinguished academics furrowing their brows and chipping in their two cents, there was a rapid succession of various paintings of Mary Magdalene---including one portrait of her I saw in person at the National Gallery in London.
*Huge sigh*
I miss London. I miss those busy days back in the fall of 2003 when I whooshed around the city viewing marvelous works of art and nibbled on delicious Pink Lady apples purchased from Portobello Road. I miss the H&M by Oxford Circus, which offered the coolest and most affordable clothes (why don't American H&M's have the same clothes???). Oh, how I miss that wonderful city.
Justin and I should be taking a trip up to DC next week and I definitely plan on dragging him to the National Gallery of Art. Right now they have a J.W.A. Turner exhibition on display, which I am dying to check out. I had never even heard of Turner until I went to London (SHAME) and he just happens to be, like, the most famous British painter. The entire Tate Britain seems to be decked out in Turner paintings. I also can't wait to see the Edward Hopper exhibition that is up too.
Ah, art! How I love it. It gives me a little taste of London when I need it the most.