But ultimately for me, the true meaning of Easter can be boiled down to two important tenets:
1.) The Resurrection of Jesus Christ---a doctrine that lies at the foundation of Christianity. How often we forget the original purpose of Easter, which is to celebrate this event.
2.) Cadbury Mini Eggs---perhaps the most delightful concoction under $3. Sometimes I wish that I could have Mini Eggs all year round, but then again I probably would get sick of them. You know what they say: "Too much of a good thing..."
If you really think about it, the Cadbury Mini Egg perfectly reflects the true meaning of Easter---new birth (the egg itself), purity (the white ones, at least), and eternal life (well, this one is a stretch...but come on, what is eternity without Cadbury chocolate?).
So as Easter approaches, what better way to reflect upon this holiday then to enjoy a few Cadbury Mini Eggs? Amen.