Life in the boy department these days is frustrating and tear-streaked. But I've had enough of my drivelling and crying, so onto newer romantic pursuits!
I'm contracted to work at the Smithsonian until early August, but my mind is already roaming to lusher, more exciting pastures. Don't get me wrong, I feel very lucky to work at a great museum, but the work that I'm doing now will never be a life-long pursuit for me. It's just a job to make some money until I head to grad school in September.
March, April, May, June, July, August...September! I'm especially excited because I plan on getting my Masters in London. What a fabulicious city! Museums, theaters, Portobello Road, Oxford Street, Hyde Park, double-decker buses, TopShop, kebabs, crazy Tube riders--what an amazing place. And I'm also ready to head back to school. I miss the academic life of thought-provoking classes and influential professors. I miss the books and even the process of writing papers.
Of course, I need to live in the here and now and I especially need to make the most of my time in DC. But I can't help but think about London and graduate school and London and London.
So is there a new romance in my future? A thousand times yes! But I just need to wait a few more months. Until September.